Mentoring for Fulfillment in Life
Guest Post by M Cranmer
The word “mentor” conjures up a very descriptive image of usually an older person, wrinkled and a bit weathered. But if we reflect on historic and real life mentors, that is not always the case. The historic leaders of religion were somewhat youthful compared to images of Einstein. But even Einstein was a youth, right?
So why do we feel the need to wait until we are “seasoned” professionals? Perhaps it is competitiveness….if that is the case wouldn’t you still want to know more than less? Having a competitive edge certainly sounds wise. But it could also hinder us from progressing, what a shame.
There is no minimum or maximum age to be a mentor. There is no application to be a mentor. Being a mentor precludes “getting one over on someone”. It just doesn’t fit into our world of innovation and education. Innovation is based on education and example through creativity and sharing.
So let’s take a look at ourselves and think about the simple steps in how to become a mentor and the rewards. There is something to be said about a person who takes higher ground over adversity. Some call mentoring in simplistic terms, a reliable and confident person who openly shares their knowledge and experience.
Let’s start with listening…..this is the first step in mentoring. Why? Because this is a gift, it takes patience and thoughtfulness. Developing trust with fellow peers and the team you manage opens doors to creativity and hence, productivity …not only in the workplace but in your life. The amount of time spent creating satisfaction in life could be viewed as a desire rather than a daily dread.
A good listener is very wise. These people have the ability to welcome new ideas and thoughts without being judgmental. Some of the greatest inventions beings were as simple as listening, giving advise when asked and encouragement. We become approachable as managers, friends and with our family. We all have work and life experience but must realize the curious are our greatest assets in our life. People need to be heard and validated.
The best mentors except not having all the answers and direction needed to progress toward any given path. Surrounding ourselves with those whom possess talent that may be utilized to fulfill a void are priceless. You can enhance an individual’s will to go the extra mile by your example.
As we go through life’s suppressors, a person or team will feel much more rewarded if we remember the needs we had in the past. For myself, it was the old adage to treat others as I hoped to be treated in the workplace. Embarrassing and belittling others is childish and belongs on a playground not the world we live and work in today as adults. As managers, we want to bring out the best in our team.
I found sometimes I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. We all experience this, but the best outcome is to learn from it and not become obsessed with the “what ifs”. Take your own negative experience, digest it, then create a strong drive and will to help create a masterful personal change within.
What a scary word change can be. But it may also be very exciting in developing personal growth and positive drive with those around us. Continue to be approachable and positively expressive. Those we associate with witness the recreation of the stuff we’re made of through our experiences and knowledge. The most useful advise and offerings can come from unusual sources. But just as we hope to mentor, we must welcome those thoughts and encouragements from those we ourselves have helped. The most selfish act of a giver is to deny another of the same satisfaction.
What an amazing feeling change can be in life. It’s powerful! Being open to rediscover, share and encourage yourself may be the real change you have been looking for in life. Mentoring involves accepting your own creativity and lessons learned from the past.
Mentoring is empowering! Witnessing the growth of a mentor helps us believe people are trustworthy and unselfish. You”ll receive what you give to others. This a great reason to jump start personal CHANGE. The blossoming of a mentor is a wonderful thing to see within our team but also those around us.
Take your gift and talent making strong, intentional strides to create a difference in this life for those seeking understanding both in work and in life. Go ahead, enhance your own people skills and make a difference in another life.
There is only now! Create a heartfelt life by becoming a mentor. There are so many waiting to receive understanding and validation in life. You’ll find you have given yourself the greatest gift achievable in your lifetime. Peace.
Discover the peace you have been searching for by becoming a mentor. No application required.